# Probabilistic Programming [[Programming]] [[Statistics]] [[Bayesian Statistics]] ## Tools and Libraries - [[Stan (programming language)]] - [[pymc3]] ## Links - [Introduction | Squiggle](https://www.squiggle-language.com/docs) (as linked to by [Roadmap for a collaborative prototype of an Open Agency Architecture — LessWrong](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/pHJtLHcWvfGbsW7LR/roadmap-for-a-collaborative-prototype-of-an-open-agency) in the context of [[LLM Agents]]) [[2022-10-23]] [[Luke Gorrie]] is into this stuff lately, and I gleaned a few links from his Twitter: ![[lukego - 1582642945861484544]] - [Lightweight Implementations of Probabilistic Programming Languages Via Transformational Compilation](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v15/wingate11a.html)